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"Introduces the Greek goddess Aphrodite and explains her importance; features well-known Greek myths about this god; and includes map of ancient Greece and family tree of the Greek gods."
"Introduces the Roman god Apollo and explains his importance; features well-known Roman myths about this god; and includes map of ancient Rome and family tree of the Roman gods"--Provided by the publisher.
"Introduces the Greek god Ares and explains his importance; features well-known Greek myths about this god; and includes map of ancient Greece and family tree of the Greek gods."
Tells the mythological origin of the Greek goddess Artemis, her abilities as goddess of the hunt, and some of the punishments she meted to those who offended her.
Introduces the Greek goddess Athena and explains her importance; features well-known Greek myths about this goddess; and includes map of ancient Greece and family tree of the Greek gods and goddesses.
Tells the different versions of the mythological origin of the Greek god Eros, his use of his arrows of love and hate, and some of his mischievious deeds.
Tells the mythological origin of the Greek god Hades, his part in the war with the Titans, his rule over the underworld, his abduction of Persephone and some of his other deeds.
Introduces the responsibilities and characteristics of Hermes, the god of travels and trade, as well as providing a mythological family tree of the Greek gods.
Introduces the Greek god Poseidon and explains his importance; features well-known Greek myths about this god; and includes map of ancient Greece and family tree of the Greek gods.
Tells the mythological origin of the Greek god Zeus, his war against the Titans, his rule over the gods, the children he begat, and his deeds and adventures.