Blast to the past
1 - 8
of 8
Series Volume:
Third graders travel through time to keep history on track! Abigail loves Mondays, and so does the rest of class 305. That's the day Mr. Caruthers asks them cool questions about history. Today Mr. C asks, "What if Abraham Lincoln never freed the slaves?" Abigail and her friends are ready to put their thinking caps on. But this time Mr. C wants them to do more than put their heads together-he wants them to travel back in time! Turns out the "What...
Series Volume:
"Abigail and her friends can't believe it--their evil, time traveling nemesis Babs Magee, has finally convinced someone to quit: Benjamin Franklin! Babs is really making a terrible mess of history, and it's up to Bo, Jacob, Zack, and Abigail to put things right and make sure Ben stays on track. But it seems no matter how far back the kids go, Babs is always one step ahead of them. Will they be able to help Benjamin Franklin and stop Babs in time to...