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Black Lagoon picture books

Thaler, Mike, 1936
Thaler, Mike
Showing 1 - 20 of 20
Book cover for "The principal from the black lagoon".
On the third day of school, a young boy is sent to the principal's office and thinks about all the horrifying rumors he has heard about her.
Book cover for "The gym teacher from the Black Lagoon".
On the first day of school, a young boy expects only the worst when he discovers that his new gym teacher is "Coach Kong," Mr. Green.
Book cover for "The school nurse from the black lagoon".
Believing rumors that credit Miss Hearse, the new school nurse, with being a monstrous-looking, frightening personage, a young boy vows to do whatever is necessary to avoid getting sick.
Book cover for "The librarian from the black lagoon".
As his class prepares to visit the school library for the first time, a young boy imagines the worst, based on stories he's heard about the librarian, Mrs. Beamster.
Book cover for "The cafeteria lady from the black lagoon".
"Does the new cafeteria lady, Wanda Belch, really drive a garbage truck to school?"--Page 4 of cover.
Book cover for "The school bus driver from the Black Lagoon".
A little boy's imagination goes wild when he hears his new bus driver drives like he's in the Indy 500.
Book cover for "The teacher from the black lagoon".
On the first day of school, a young boy expects only the worst when he discovers that his new teacher is the "monstrous" Mrs. Green.
Book cover for "The music teacher from the Black Lagoon".
A boy contemplates all the horrible stories he has heard about the music teacher, Miss LaNote, and the ordeals she forces her students to endure.
Book cover for "The custodian from the black lagoon".
After relating all of the horrible things the school custodian, Fester Smudge, is known to have done, a student whose locker won't open needs Mr. Smudge's help.
Book cover for "The class from the black lagoon".
On the first day of a new school year Mrs. Green's imagination runs wild as she thinks of all the horrible things she's heard about her new class, including that they've sent their previous three teachers into early retirement.

11.  The art teacher from the black lagoon

Cover Image
Book cover for "The class pet from the Black Lagoon".
The students in Mrs. Green's class get a bit nervous when she announces she is going to bring in a class pet but will not reveal what it is--letting their imaginations run wild.
Book cover for "The bully from the Black Lagoon".
A new student's reputation as a bully proves to be unfounded.
Book cover for "The new kid from the Black Lagoon".
"What could be scarier than a new kid from Mars? Nothing--except for a new kid with blue skin, laser breath, and tentacle toes! We hope he is not in our class!"--Page 4 of cover.
Book cover for "The substitute teacher from the black lagoon".
"Mrs. Green is out sick today. A substitute teacher is coming. What if he is nine feet tall, crashes through walls, and hurls students into outer space! Uh-oh!"--Page 4 of cover.

16.  The book fair from the Black Lagoon

Cover Image

17.  The school secretary from the Black Lagoon

Cover Image

18.  The computer teacher from the Black Lagoon

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19.  The vice principal from the Black Lagoon

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Book cover for "The dentist from the black lagoon".
A boy learns that a dentist will be visiting his school. He hears scary rumors about the dentist, but discovers there is no reason to be afraid of dentists.