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Archive Search Results

Showing 1 - 11 of 11 , query time: 0.01s
Thumbnail for 'Mounted hunter'
Hunting party on the Flat Tops near Trappers Lake. A mounted hunter, possibly Jake Borah, is standing by the cook stove. Hanging deer are in right background.
Thumbnail for 'Hunters and game'
Hunting party on the Flat Tops near Trappers Lake. Ten hunters gathered for photo next to game hanging from poles. Dog at left.
Thumbnail for 'Riders at Doll Ranch'
Hunting party exhibiting the catch. John Condon, Frank Doll's business partner, seated at center, showing his hobnail boots. To the right of Condon, standing and holding a rifle, is Zachariah Doll. It is possible that the man at far left is Jake Borah. Condon was visiting the Doll ranch and probably used Borah as a guide for the hunting trip.
Thumbnail for 'Fishing on Trappers Lake'
A lone fisherman in a boat, fishing on Trappers Lake. The hunting camp tent is visible on the point at center of the photograph.
Thumbnail for 'Hunting party in the Flat Tops'
Hunting party on the Flat Tops near Trappers Lake, outfitted by Jake Borah. John Condon is seated second from right at the camp table on the right, facing the camera. Camp fire and stove are at center. Clothes drying on bushes at left.
Thumbnail for 'Riders at Doll Ranch'
Two unidentified riders with rifles across their saddles at the Doll Brothers Ranch. Fencing and cattle behind them. It's possible that the man on the left is Mr. Stone, livestock foreman on the Doll ranch. The Chicago photo studio mark infers that the photos were those of John Condon, Doll Brothers' partner, developed after a visit to the ranch.
Thumbnail for 'Guests at the Doll Brothers Ranch'
The John Condon family from Chicago at the Doll ranch house, with their nanny. The daughter is wearing her mother's hat.
Thumbnail for 'Guests at the Doll Brothers Ranch'
The Condon family from Chicago at the Doll ranch house. John Condon is standing at far left. Mrs. Condon, in white, is seated. The two youngest children are Condons, one being held by a nanny. Lucy and Frank Doll are second and third from the right, standing.
Thumbnail for '
Hunting party on the Flat Tops near Trappers Lake, outfitted by Jake Borah. The two men standing at right may be Jake Borah (left) and Jim Dilts. John Condon may be at center, left. The chef is at left, holding up a rack for the camera. Game birds and meat are hanging on the pole behind the chef. [Same image as 1983.001.028] Publisher's caption reads: "Rocky Mountain Scenery"
Thumbnail for 'At the Doll Brothers' Ranch'
John Gerard (seated), brother of Andrew Robert Gerard, at the Doll Brothers' Ranch in the Gypsum Valley. The man on the right may be Samuel "Sam" Doll. The two individuals on the left are unidentified. A young child is visible in the doorway. Several unopened sacks are on the porch.
Thumbnail for 'Frank Doll and horse'
Frank Doll shows one of his race horses at the Doll Ranch in Gypsum. The horse stables are visible behind Frank. A caption on the back reads, "Frank Doll with Race Horse - this horse had won much money in races (Killed horse in RR going south to a race)"