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Archive Search Results

Showing 81 - 100 of 776 , query time: 0.01s
Thumbnail for 'The Political Ecology Of Cultural Revitalization:  A Tribal Economic Policy Analysis Of Outdoor Recreation And Ecological Restoration For The Southern Ute Tribe'
Keywords: Outdoor Education, Ecology, Natural Resources, public policy, Native American, Indigenous Studies, Indians of North America, natural environments, Restoration Ecology, Habitat Conservation, Conservation & Restoration, Environmental Protection, Ecosystems Native Americans are the original land stewards of North America. Historical devastation brought on by colonization had major impacts on Indigenous communities, like the Southern Ute...
Thumbnail for 'The U.S. Forest Service and Fire'
A portfolio focused on the area of fighting wildfires in concern with the U.S. Forest Service and the past actions that has caused problems to the forests to strategies that have been attempted to fix these problems. The portfolio also maps three fires that have occurred during the summer of 2012 in Colorado to look at a correlation between firefighting priorities dependent on the average cost of housing in the areas of those fires.
Thumbnail for 'Colorado River Allocation in the Era of Climate Change: GIS as a Tool for Water Conservation'
Climate change has many implications for the Colorado River and the millions of people the lifeline supports. Allocation and water management in the arid west seems to be increasingly complex, as climate change, coupled with population growth, add another perplexing aspect for water managers. Average predictions for Colorado River flows range anywhere between a 6%-20% decrease by 2050, despite the water stored in Lake Powell and Lake Mead, which...
Thumbnail for 'Art As a Vehicle for Social Change'
Art is a subjective term to many people. It can have a multitude of meanings ranging from purely aesthetic to a form of therapy, historical reference, or advertising. Without art, our world would look very different. It would not only look so, but it would be different as well. In addition to its ability to make a personal impact, art has served as an aid to political revolutions, social change, and community based transformations. The subject...
Thumbnail for 'Communication between Virus and Mouse: Dynamic Modeling of Deer Mouse Immune Response to Sin Nombre Virus using Peircean Semiotics'
Biological systems are dynamic, but predominant reductionist approaches in biology model these systems with little context of other related systems. Peircean semiotics is a methodology that models a pathway in reference to other levels of organization. In this study, immune response of deer mice infected with Sin Nombre Virus (SNV) is modeled using Peircean semiotics. Results suggest the immune systems of deer mice adopt the virus as a part of self,...
Thumbnail for 'Projective Geometry: Perspectives from Art and Mathematics'
It's all in the way you look at it. This is true of many situations, and even more so when regarding the fields of art and mathematics. Some may see art and mathematics as two distinct subjects; how could the rigidity of mathematics be at all related to, or in influenced by the fluidity of art? After all mathematics is all about theorems and proofs and right or wrong answers, whereas art is determined by the imagination and interpretation of the artist....
Thumbnail for 'Mortality Salience Amplifies Moral Appraisal'
Powerpoint presentation on a study to test the central claims of two emerging social psychology theories, Terror Management Theory and Moral Foundations theory.
Thumbnail for 'Why I Stare at Coke Cans'
Poem by Catherine Lauer
Thumbnail for 'Why Superman is my Hero'
Poem by Jennifer Novack
Thumbnail for 'Infectious Vampires: Analyzing Media Portrayals of Infectious Disease in Vampire Films Using Content Analysis'
Multidisciplinary approaches are able to provide holistic analyses and results. Many would not inherently put public health and media studies together for a project. However they are related because the unknown, especially disease, has always frightened people. Stories about disease continue to be a part of the human experience, teaching social conformity or acting as warnings against specific places or behaviors. The vampire character has consistently...
Thumbnail for 'Great Ape Bushmeat in the Congo Basin: The Ecological, Political, Social, and Environmental Implications'
The bushmeat trade in the Congo basin is one of the foremost threats to the great apes of Africa today. Chimpanzees, bonobos, eastern, western, cross river and mountain gorillas are all highly endangered species who are looking at extinction as a definite possibility. However, many different factors are contributing to this. Many people would say that hunting these animals is just wrong, and immoral. In the end though there are many different factors...
Thumbnail for 'Ancient Spooks through Modern Specs: The Contemporary Demand for Esoteric History'
An astounding amount of evidence on the subject of "magic" and the occult has been found in the ancient world, including cure tablets, recipes, and stories. From the Book of the Dead to the myths surrounding the island of Thessaly, ghosts, witches, and necromancy all appear in historical texts. Yet these topics have only begun to be analyzed in earnest. Ancient Egypt and ancient Greece, two immortal civilizations of the ancient world, have recently...
Thumbnail for 'A Comparison of a Mean Field Theoretic Approach to Ferromagnetism with Experimental Results in Nd2Fe14B Magnets'
Often, trying to describe how atomic interactions in a structure come to manifest themselves macroscopically is tedious if not impossible when large numbers of molecules or atoms are being considered. One way to more easily approximate the expected behavior of a large system of particles, such as magnetic dipoles, is to consider how the "mean field" produced by neighboring particles near a single particle affects it. In magnetic systems, there is...
Thumbnail for 'A Literary Exploration of Liberty: Using Young Adult Literature to Teach the American Revolution'
Young adult literature has been growing in popularity over the last several years, but only more recently has it been gaining recognition as an influential and valuable genre of literature in today's society. Even adults have tuned into the market, devouring books such as J.K Rowlings' Harry Potter series, Stephanie Meyer's The Twilight Saga, and Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials at almost as rapid a rate as their teenage children. It is only logical...
Thumbnail for 'The Acute Effect of Heel to Toe Drop on Running Economy'
The purpose of this study was to assess how the running economy of experienced runners was affected when wearing 4mm and 0mm heel to toe drop shoes as opposed to regular running shoes. Previous studies have shown that barefoot running and running in lower heel to toe drop shoes increases running economy (Squadrone & Galozzi, 2009). The participants (n=23; 18 male and 8 female) were subjected to 3 separate tests that were each 20 minutes....
Thumbnail for 'Seasonal primary pollinator abundance and resource use  in a subalpine meadow, San Juan Mountains, CO'
Pollination plays a huge ecological and economic role in nature and in civilization. The agriculture industry relies heavily on insect-driven pollination for fruit production. Likewise, many angiosperms depend on insect pollination for fertilization and reproduction. This study outlines bee and fly pollination habits in a subalpine meadow near Molas Pass in the San Juan Mountains, Colorado, which is an undersampled region for pollinators. The objectives...
Thumbnail for 'Similar Stimuli and Misattribution'
Poster presentation on the occurrence of misattribution when there are similar details in presented stimuli (two memories).
Thumbnail for 'Effect of Survey Response Format on Participant Response'
Poster presented at 7th Annual Natural & Behavioral Sciences Undergraduate Research Symposium, Fort Lewis College.
Thumbnail for 'The Impact of Appearance on Memory and Perception'
Poster presentation from 7th Annual Natural & Behavioral Sciences Undergraduate Research Symposium, Fort Lewis College.
Thumbnail for 'Death & Punishment: Enter Compassion, But Toward Whom?'
Presentation from the 7th Annual Natural & Behavioral Sciences Undergraduate Research Symposium, Fort Lewis College.