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Archive Search Results

Showing 621 - 640 of 650 , query time: 0.01s
Thumbnail for 'An Independent Test of a Simple Age at Death Estimation Method Based on the Morphology of the First Rib'
There are many well tested and widely used techniques for determination of age-at-death of human skeletal remains. Dental development, morphology of the pubic symphysis, and cranial suture progression are all trusted techniques, either on their own or in combination, in making such determinations. Despite the apparent abundance of ways in which determine age-at-death, there is still considerable interest and research in developing more methods based...
Thumbnail for 'Room to Grow: Improving Farmer Livelihoods Through Increased Quinoa Production in Colorado'
Quinoa, a pseudocereal traditionally cultivated in the Andean highlands of South America, has gained recent global recognition for its high nutritional content and ability to grow in areas characterized by low precipitation and poor soil quality. Keen to health food circles in North America and Europe, demand for this super food has skyrocketed in recent years. While some producers of this lucrative crop are experiencing increased profits from the...
Thumbnail for 'The Design of a Helmet Impact Tester'
Using a helmet during high-risk activities is one way to prevent traumatic brain injuries. Because helmets play such a vital role in protection, it is important that their quality is improved where possible. The purpose of this project is to design an apparatus that is capable of testing helmets to aid in the research of helmet design. This apparatus will simulate impact conditions to which different kinds of helmets are exposed. It will also record...
Thumbnail for 'Factors Relating to the National Curation Crisis: A View from Fort Lewis College'
In this study I examine the causes of a national curation crisis that results, among other things, in the inability to care well for artifact collections, particularly in college and university museum repositories. The research I conducted was based on two sets of data. First, I conducted a survey-based pilot study given to staff associated with collection management at other institutions. Second, I conducted a participant observation-based case study...
Thumbnail for 'Experimental Gardening for Insight to Ancestral Puebloan Life'
In the prehistoric Southwest, subsistence practices connect the exploitation of natural resources with the production of food and commodities. To recognize the importance of Zea mays, Phaseolus, and Cucurbita (corn, beans and squash) to subsistence, this paper explores wild and domesticated plants used during the 12th and 13th century occupations of Aztec Ruins. Research carried out on experimental plots starting in September 2013 was designed to...
Thumbnail for 'The Sum of Their Parts: Assessing Drifting and Double Zonal Osteons Within Medieval Kulubnarti, Nubia'
Histological studies of bone represent an effective means of reconstructing health and estimating age in ancient populations through the analysis of the frequencies and sizes of discrete remodeling events. Although secondary osteons have been studied extensively, drifting and double zonal osteons are atypical osteons that are not entirely understood. Previous research suggests that drifting osteons may be related to age and double zonal osteons may...
Thumbnail for 'Structure and Function of the HTLV-1 Pro-Pol Frameshift Site'
Human T-cell leukemia Virus Type I (HTLV-1) was the first identified human retrovirus, identified in 1980. Infection with HTLV-1 results in adult T-cell leukemia with 5-10% incidence. An estimated 15-20 million individuals worldwide are infected with HTLV. Replication of retroviruses, such as HTLV, is dependent upon synthesis of viral structural and enzymatic proteins. Synthesis of HTLV's enzymatic proteins (Protease (PR), Reverse Transcriptase (RT),...
Thumbnail for 'Determination of the HTLV-1 Pro-Pol Frameshift Site Secondary Structure'
Human t-cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1) is a retrovirus that targets CD4+ T-cells in humans. Expression of human t-cell leukemia virus type I (HTLV-I) enzymes requires two -1 programmed ribosomal frameshifts (PRFs). These events occur between the gag-pro and pro-pol open reading frames. Each frameshift site includes a heptanucleotide slippery sequence followed by a downstream structure, which act in cis to produce specific frameshift efficiencies....
Thumbnail for 'Age and Origin of the Mount Sneffels Stock, Western San Juan Mountains, Colorado'
Intermediate to mafic intrusive rocks are exposed in the Mount Sneffels stock in the western San Juan Mountains, Colorado. Debate over the timing of pluton emplacement in previous studies impeded an understanding of how this pluton fit into the regional magmatic history. Detailed field studies revealed that the pluton intruded adjacent Oligocene volcanic rocks of the Southern Rocky Mountain volcanic field. However, a previous K/Ar and fission track...
Thumbnail for 'Public Perception of the Police'
The public perception of police is a common issue that law enforcement agencies across the nation are concurrently dealing with. The purpose of this research was to analyze reasons for the poor public perception of police, methods of improving perception and examining local attempts made by the Durango Police Department in this area. Through a review of the literature, historical and contemporary factors have been discovered for the current perception...
Thumbnail for 'Prevalence of MRSA in the Community'
Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) was first observed less than a year after the development of methicillin in 1960. Since that time it has become an important nosocomial pathogen: the rate of hospital acquired MRSA infections is still on the rise and studies have shown that MRSA perseveres at acquiring antibiotic resistance. Additionally, the occurrence of infections caused by community acquired MRSA cases has increased in recent...
Thumbnail for 'Supernovae Classification by the Observation of Light Curves'
A supernova explosion will exhibit a light curve distinct to each type after it fades away from peak irradiance. Supernovae are thus categorized by observable characteristics, namely, their light curves and spectrum. By carefully observing a supernova's light curve over a period of about two months, the type can be deduced. Using the Fort Lewis observatory, I attempted to formulate light curves for a few recently observable supernovae to see if...
Thumbnail for 'The Roots of Eugenics: Key Shifts in the Early Development of Eugenic Ideology, 1869-1883'
This thesis attempts to establish a distinct timeline in the development of the idea of Eugenics, which is the theory that a superior race of humans can be created through the manipulation of marriage, reproduction, and genetics. The most important changes in eugenic ideology occurred not in the 1900's, but between 1869 and 1883, the years between which Francis Galton published his theories on Eugenics. In 1869, Eugenics was simply a theory on how...
Thumbnail for 'The Commodification of Food & Its Impacts on Food Security and Strategies for Change'
Food insecurity is a problem that affects nearly a billion people around the world. This problem takes different form depending on economic, regional, and political factors. In developing regions of the world, it can take on the form of mass famine, undernourishment, and chronic hunger resulting death. In developed regions of the world, food insecurity appears as a lack of access to nutritious foods for certain populations, which often results...
Thumbnail for 'Everything Affects Everything: A New Way to Combat Bullying'
Bullying plagues schools across the United States. Day after day thousands of kids stay home from school, avoid people in the halls, and go home in tears because of kids in their school classified as bullies. There are many types and varieties of bullies and bullying but they all have the same outcome, a torn down individual. The biggest trouble with bullying is that it is different for every individual which is why schools have had such a hard time...
Thumbnail for 'Political Philosophy and Nonhuman Animals'
In this work I consider two arguments for the conclusion that nonhuman animals are not owed justice. Some argue that justice is solely a matter of distributing material goods and that this excludes nonhuman animals from the sphere of justice. This argument fails for two reasons. First, even if it's true that justice is solely a matter of distributing material goods, it's not clear that it follows that nonhuman animals are not owed justice. Second,...
Thumbnail for 'Catching Up to the Dawn'
I have written a creative thesis project, which is a section of a creative non-fiction memoir. The section includes a prologue and the first two chapters about the relationship with my grandmother. This memoir is an expansion of earlier forms that I have written in other course and is titled, Catching Up to the Dawn. Catching Up to the Dawn is about my earlier childhood to the present and the struggles I had with identity from growing up with an indigenous...
Thumbnail for 'Page 23, Environmental Synopsis'

639. Overview

Thumbnail for 'Overview'
Academic Paper
Overview of Puzzle House Report
Thumbnail for '14C age on wood from an alluvial ferricrete: preliminary, short-term incision rate estimate for Prospect Gulch, San Juan County, CO'
A log encased in ferricrete 88.5 cm above the modern thalweg of Prospect Gulch yielded four possible radiocarbon dates, with the most probable (at 33.9%) being 1710.5 ± 14.5. An incision rate of 280 cm/ky was estimated. The incision rate for the Gunnison River basin is 253 cm/ky. Possible features that support our slightly higher incision rate are: • Bedrock is made up of highly fractured volcanic rock • Mining has stripped the drainage...