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Archive Search Results

Showing 561 - 580 of 650 , query time: 0.02s
Thumbnail for 'New Insight into Volatile Sources and Magmatic Processes of Ultrapotassic Rocks in the Navajo Volcanic Field from Chlorine Isotopes and Chlorine-Fluorine Trends'
The dominant bulk-rock geochemical signatures and trends of rocks in the Navajo volcanic field (NVF) are well established, but the volatile histories of these rocks are poorly defined and understood. New insight into the types and trends of volatiles rocks of the NVF reveal that magmatic gases are F rich and variable but generally Cl-depleted. NVF volatiles were derived from a source with distinctly positive
Thumbnail for 'Mutations at the H2B:H4 Interface of the Yeast Nucleosome Alter Expression of Telomeric ADE2 Gene'
Two independent yeast genetic screens—one that addressed H4 mutations that increase telomeric ADE2 silencing and one that addressed H2B mutations that decrease telomeric ADE2 silencing—revealed that the interface within the nucleosome between H2B and H4 plays a role in telomeric gene expression. To further characterize this interface, we conducted a mutational analysis that altered H4 and H2B residues protruding into the interface. The mutations...
Thumbnail for 'Dam Release and Monsoon Controlled Recharge and Drawdown of Riparian Aquifers, Dolores River, Colorado'
The Dolores River in Southwestern Colorado is a mountain stream which starts high in the San Juan Mountains and has a snowmelt dominated annual spring runoff. The semi-arid environment downstream of McPhee Reservoir has a low annual precipitation, ranging 18-40 cm and a high inter-annual variation. The impoundment of McPhee Dam along the Dolores River has greatly affected the duration and magnitude of peak discharge events, which, in turn, has had...
Thumbnail for 'Southwest Colorado River Protection with the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act and The Wilderness Act'
There are many great rivers in Southwest Colorado that are in need of protection. Today in Colorado there is only one river, the Cache La Poudre, that has been designated as Wild and Scenic. It is the intention of this thesis to demonstrate that the Animas River, the Dolores River, the Hermosa Creek drainage, and the Piedra River are all worthy of designation under the Wild and Scenic Rivers act and or the Wilderness Act.
Thumbnail for 'The Effects of High Stress Video Games on Fit and Sedentary Individuals'
The purpose of this study is to determine whether or not physical fitness affects a person's ability to physiologically handle the high stress situations to which many modern video games expose the player. Two, six-participant groups were formed: one of fit individuals and one of sedentary individuals. To assess physiological arousal, the subjects were asked to play 20 minutes of the video game Dead Space. After determining baselines, the participants...
Thumbnail for 'Understory Plant Community Dynamics in Three Levels of Sudden Aspen Decline, San Juan Mountains, Colorado'
The majority of temperate forest ecosystems are characterized by complex histories of natural and human disturbances. Disturbances when combined tend to have complex effects on landscape and vegetation community dynamics. Disturbances that cause tree mortality generate biological legacies that can drastically alter the species composition of a landscape and ecosystem processes. Sudden Aspen Decline (SAD) is a relatively new phenomenon that has been...
Thumbnail for 'Determining Structures That Control Groundwater Flow in San Juan Mountain Karst Aquifers Using Fluorescent Dye Tracer'
Communities of the San Juan Mountains in Southwest Colorado continue to grow. With this growth, demand for water is increasing. Many of these communities are located on top of karst aquifers. Karst aquifers are unique because they can develop caverns and underground streams, which affect the direction of ground water flow. In addition, contaminated surface waters can quickly enter and move through karst aquifers, jeopardizing the quality of drinking...
Thumbnail for 'Baile Folklorico De Durango: Initiating Cultural Transmission Through Performance'
The Hispanic community is underrepresented at Fort Lewis College and in the city of Durango, Colorado. Baile Folklorico is an important part of that culture, often serving as a symbol of Mexican heritage and tradition. Addressing the history and modern usage of the dance highlights issues faced by those associated with the Hispanic community, specifically, the issue of cultural continuance in a region where members face minority status. Data was...
Thumbnail for 'Linear Transformations on Torus'
This semester I studied the dynamical system of taking a point in the real plane and sending it down to the torus, which is a 2-dimensional tube. I looked at periodic points of this mapping and showed "and if" and "only if" relation between rational points and periodic points. I then looked at the conditions for chaos of a map that creates a line with an irrational slope.
Thumbnail for 'Performance Analysis of Perforated Pipe Water Intake Structure'
Gravity-fed water systems are the most commonly used type around the world. Every one of these systems must have some kind of intake structure to capture the water. The Fort Lewis College chapter of Engineers Without Borders developed a perforated pipe stacked array inlet structure that specifically addresses problems prevalent in the monsoonal climate found in southeast Asia. A series of tests are conducted to analyze and quantify the performance...
Thumbnail for 'The Relationship of Extraversion Rating on Social Life: Facebook vs. Real Life Interactions'
Over the last decade, Facebook has become a primal part of our internet culture today. Fort Lewis students were asked to fill out introversion/extraversion surveys and relationship satisfaction scales related to their online vs. offline relationships. Results showed that extraversion is related to Facebook use, but did not predict satisfaction with online or offline relationships. Results also showed that participants who scored higher on extraversion...
Thumbnail for 'Relative Dating of the Faults Within the Pennsylvanian Hermosa Group, Coal Bank Pass - Molas Pass, San Juan Mountains, Colorado'
Two pulses of syndepositional faulting have been identified within the deposition of the Pennsylvanian Hermosa Group in the southern San Juan Mountains of southwest Colorado. The study area between Coal Bank Pass and Lime Creek is bounded by a major syncline on the northern edge, and the Snowdon Fault and Coal Bank Fault to the south. This study develops new information on the Coal Bank Fault and contains additional analysis of the Snowdon Fault....
Thumbnail for 'GPS Time Integration in Support of VLF Lightning Research: A Project Focused on Time-Stamping a Live Data-Stream'
The origin of the formal study of lightning as an electrical phenomenon is attributed to Benjamin Franklin. While not his first design, or experiment, to test the electrical nature of lightning - it was Franklin's kite in the storm that would become the most famous of his experiments. The study of lightning is of long standing human interest, and the methods of this study have evolved with advances in modern technology. To further the local study...
Thumbnail for 'The Effect of Gender and Age on Hamstrings to Quadriceps Ratios and Core Strength Among Youth Soccer Players'
Muscle strength has been defined as the capacity of a muscle to produce the tension necessary to maintain posture, as well as the initiation and control of movement. The hamstring to quadriceps strength ratio is important in injury prevention, and there has been controversy about the appropriate ratio to use. It has been documented that the quadriceps are greater in strength than the hamstrings although there is no particular ratio that is appropriate...
Thumbnail for 'Microhydroelectric Resource Development'
The goal of this project is to assess the feasibility of developing hydroelectric resources in the rural community of Chimborazo, Ecuador, and to provide a future design team with the methodology required to develop them. Since design-level site data is currently unavailable, the project provides a thorough review of parameters associated with designing and implementing a micro hydroelectric system. Parameters discussed include hydraulic infrastructure,...
Thumbnail for 'Genetic and Morphological Analysis of Quercus welshii: A Test of Hypothesized Hybrid Origin'
Quercus welshii is geographically restricted to the Navajo Basin area of NE Arizona and SE Utah. Two hypotheses have been formed in order to explain how Q. welshii evolved. One states that Q. welshii is a relic population left over from when its ancestor, Q. havardii, populated the region. The other states that Q. welshii is stabilized hybrid of Q. gambelii and Q. turbinella, the two dominate species in the area. In order to test if Q. welshii is...
Thumbnail for 'Investigating Elemental Abundances in the Crab Nebula to Determine Properties of the Presupernova Star'
The elemental abundances remaining in the nebula surrounding a neutron star provide insight into the stellar nucleosynthesis processes that were taking place in the original star immediately preceding core collapse. The Crab Nebula is one of the closest and most recent supernova remnants visible from earth and because of its location above the galactic disk, the atomic debris from the progenitor star has remained undisturbed by interactions with...
Thumbnail for 'Glucose Metabolism, Cloning and Expression of Phosphofructokinase-1 from Acidobacterium Capsulatum'
Acidobacteria capsulatum was first isolated from acid mine drainage in 1987. Phenotypic and chemotaxonomic studies indicate that this organism does not fit known gram-negative taxa, and as a result, the phylum Acidobacteria was created. An annotated genome of this acidophilic bacterium, published in 2009, shows no aldolase sequence, however a sequence for phosphofructokinase (PFK1) has been found. A. capsulatum has the ability to utilize glucose...
Thumbnail for 'Postural Sway at Varying Heights: Athletes Versus Non-Athletes'
Despite a vast body of research on balance and postural sway, there is little known about the impacts that varying heights above ground level have on an individual's postural sway, whether in athletes or non-athletes. Knowing how athletic training affects an individual's balance at varying heights may affect how that individual trains, particularly when the competition involves events above ground level or the performance of balance intensive activities....
Thumbnail for 'Design of a Low Cost, Field Constructed Pipe Entrance to Improve Flow Capacity'
The Fort Lewis College Engineering Without Borders Program (EWB), works in developing countries around the world designing and constructing community improvement projects. Water systems are commonly designed and constructed as part of these projects. In at least one case, the water system that was constructed in an area had less capacity than desired. In examining the system for possible bottlenecks, the pipe inlet used was identified as a likely...